A few weeks ago, before school started, we took the kids to Georgetown for a night of fun.
It was all spurred on when
Cammy told me about her favorite place to get
cupcakes. So we hopped in the car, and ventured there to try something new.
I'm embarrassed to say, we have lived here five years and have not been to Georgetown. Oh sure, David and I got lost one day and ended up driving there, by chance, on a school day, trying to do some Christmas shopping at the mall! But, I don't think that counts.
Anyway, we found this AMAZING
pizza place where everyone decided to be silly. Of course, it seems like every time I take a picture of Jacob, he is eating. He is a growing boy, who sure loves his good eats. Can't you tell he is enjoying that mouthful?

Abby and her Daddy--don't they look alike! Love it!!

Who are these two goofs, and what was in that pizza that caused this? They definitely were having way too much fun! I think they knew what was about to happen next.

With full tummy's (but not too full--not when you know the treats in store next), we walked up the street. Which by the way, was full of glorious shopping. We just didn't have time, we had to get to the cupcakes before they closed their doors for the night!
We found the quaint little
shop, with the line to get in, trailing out the door! When it was our turn to order, we couldn't decide which to get, so of course we HAD to try them all! Just had too! It was a must! How do you know what to get next time, unless you do, right?
Oh man, we were not disappointed! AMAZING!!

How perfect do they look in the box---all the colors and textures. I can't decide which I like best. It's a toss up between the chocolate with ganache or the coconut. Coconut, definitley! Oh wait maybe the vanilla with chocolate frosing! See what I mean?
Well, luckily we'll be going back soon---TWICE! Next week, when my parents come to visit and at the end of the month, for Abby's birthday! How about that? One can't have too many cupcakes! It should be a rule!
All in all, it was a very fun night, that all of us will remember for a while! Can't wait to go again! Next time we'll save some time for shopping--I spied a Paper Source, which I have never been in before!
Thanks for the tip Cammy!!