But, look what I found inside, on this fine September day, among the bills and pizza flyers! I was giddy with delight!
My very own copy of Dottie Angel's new book, the second in the Suitcase Series from Uppercase.
I couldn't get inside my door fast enough, to see and touch it in person---I have been anticipating it's arrival for the longest time.
And then....I opened it. The smell---that wonderful book smell---do you know what I'm talking about?
I cannot wait to sit down in my favorite chair with a cup of tea and savor each and every page, for Dottie Angel has been a true inspiration to me for a long long time.
It truly is a beautiful book, one to cherish forever. A perfect souvenir for Kelli to keep in a special spot in her studio.
I will be back very soon to share photos of my various Summer projects.