Autumn is by far my favorite season of all. I cannot get enough of the cool crisp days full of glorious , brilliant color.
Unfortunately, it does not last long enough for me. It is just a glimpse---quick fleeting moments before the icy winter weather takes over.

This year we were so lucky to spend a beautiful week in New York with my mom & dad. We were able to share in all the stories they had of where they grew up. I think it was important for the kids to be able to learn more about their grandparents.
It was a true gift that I will treasure forever.

We also discovered a beautiful place to enjoy the outdoors, right here in our own "backyard".
We will definitely be taking advantage of this for years to come.

I know I have not been a very good blogger lately. I have been trying to get back into the swing of things since Summer. But, it has been slow going. I'm pretty sure I have had a bad case of blogger"s block.
I do believe my block has been cleared.