Monday, March 30, 2009


This past weekend was a cloudy, rainy, windy sorta weekend here in Maryland. Mind you, we aren't complaining because we love to hang out in our pj's and be cozy! and what better way to be cozy than baking cupcakes (one of my personal favorites)----It just doesn't matter what kind of cupcake, I love them all, but this is spice cake with cream cheese frosting. Can there be enough cream cheese frosting in the world? YUM!
My amazing husband baked bread. How can you go wrong with fresh baked bread hot out of the oven with butter melting on top?-----Not to mention a hubby who bakes bread! Gotta LOVE that!

As a family, we love a good game, and we found this one at Target! What a fun, easy to learn, entertaining, great time to spend together. The Kids had fun fun fun with this one as well as the Mom and Dad!

I can't think of a better way to spend a weekend. Spending time with my husband and kids, no matter what we do, as long as we are together!
I hope you all had a terrific weekend spending time with the ones you love!


  1. Good Morning, Honey! I thought I would check your blog before we leave. YUMMY!!! What awesome pictures...take it from me, everyone...Kelli's cupcakes and David's homemade bread are the best!!! I'm sure we won't find anything that yummy in London. Your blog is awesome!!! I am very proud of you!
    Love, Mom

  2. That hubby of yours is a keeper! Sounds like the perfect weekend!
    xo Cammy

  3. These cupcakes look good! Is there a certain recipe that you use?

  4. can you PLEASE make spice cupcakes when we meet up?! I have been CRAVING spice cake with yummy frosting for ages!

    Speaking of which - WHEN can we meet up? With Cammy too!
