Wow! Our Summer flew by so quickly. It has been a lovely one, full of memories to last a lifetime.
The kids go back to school on Wednesday--already! For me, it's bittersweet. I'll miss them, but it will be good to get back to a regular routine, with much more time to get things done around the house as well as much needed time to work in my poor neglected studio.
I have many photos to share with you. But, instead of long, in depth detail of each, I'll let the photos tell the story.
aaahhhh, I want to be back on the porch!! Such wonderful memories were created that week. Can't wait to do it again. xo
btw, tell abby and chloe i love their outfits!! chloe's converse sneakers are just too stinkin cute with that skirt!!
Kelli this looks like you certainly made memories to last a lifetime! Every picture spoke a thousand words and I could tell that you all had such an amazing season.
I will miss Summer too. It is my favorite time of the year. I am a heat loving person, so I am not sure why I love it here so much with the Winters we have...but our Summers make up for it.
You were so close to my little town of Carey when you went to the craters of the moon...we are 22 miles west of there. And yes the lava makes for very lumpy and hard ground :)
sending hugs from here...
Ahhhhhhhh...what beautiful pictures and wonderful memories for you to savor over the months ahead! It makes my heart happy to know it was a wonderful summer for you...and I am looking forward to us making some great fall memories together! :)
LOVE THIS...very beautiful!!
Love Yvonne xoxoxo
Lovely summer! Just stopping by to say Hi, I've too been out most of it.
Very beautiful art work.
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