I wanted to share with you, a project I worked on last Friday in my studio. I had all day while the kids were at school to play and make a mess. Sooo....with coffee in hand, down I went, turned on my favorite tunes and started pulling out paper, glitter, trinkets, and bits of trim. I sketched, colored, cut, sewed, and glued. Happy as can be!

The end result---a magical wand!
I really love birds (well, the cute backyard type of bird, not vultures or anything like that). I have a big kitchen window and right outside, we installed a large bird feeder. Needless to say, we have many different varieties of birds come to visit. Cardinals, Eastern Bluebirds, Chickadees and finches, just to name a few. I enjoy watching them as they chirp, flutter, and perch in the nearby trees, waiting their turn at the feeder. I have actually learned alot from observing them for so long. I even bought myself a bird book so I can identify one that I have never seen before.
Now, with the arrival of Spring, the little feathered friends are all aflutter with nest preparations, and everything else birds do this time of year. It is a very busy and happy time just outside our window---a whole other world!!!

So, I guess that is where the inspiration came from for this particular piece--for the love of birds!!!
When my shop opens (soon), this wand will be available, along with many other goodies!