Monday, June 22, 2009


Ever since Silver Bella last year I have had this new love for stitching. During welcome night, we all participated in a group stitching project. It is hard to put into words what a fabulous feeling I had, as over 150 women all sat together and stitched together. It was a bond that we all share, I think, even to this day.
I have started a small sampler using small bits of vintage lace, ribbon, buttons and trinkets, learning new stitches along the way.
In the seven months since Silver Bella, I am sorry to say I have not worked on my sampler much. Not that I haven't wanted too--I love it when I'm doing it! I suppose I could name off a long list of excuses why I haven't had time, but I won't bore you with that! The point is, that working on my sampler is one of many things on my Summer To Do List.
To my delight, my girls also have decided to join me and start one themselves. Well, I was just beside myself, thinking of the three of us sitting around in our flannel pants, drinking tea and and learning new stitches together. Bonding time with my daughters, can it get any better than that?

So today, while the boys stayed home and cleaned the garage, I took the girls to lunch and went shopping for their supplies. What fun they had picking out all their favorite colors of embroidery floss, and they each chose the same sewing basket, which we'll personalize and make their own. (I don't have a basket yet. I am holding out for a vintage one that speaks to me.)
Now we are all anxious to get started! It will be so fun to see how Chloe's and Abby's samplers will turn out!
I can't wait!! (I think the vacuuming will have to wait for another day!)

Thursday, June 18, 2009


We are back......and what a time we had!!
We had a wonderful time visiting with all of our family. It was so good to see everyone, and spend some quality time together. We had many laughs and made many memories.

We also endured the wrath of nature! We are talking funnel clouds, snow and an assortment of wildlife!
One day, we took Abby to pick up a few things at a bakery and found out we were under a tornado warning! Standing outside the bakery, we spotted at least two funnel clouds over head. David, being the weather buff that he is, was just beside himself watching the clouds churn and swirl. Now, Abby caught the weather bug and was just as excited. Me.....I was happy INSIDE the bakery picking out a cake!

We were able to spend one day exploring the mountains and spied this beautiful elk grazing in a meadow. Such a majestic animal in an equally majestic setting! We also saw a moose, but it was too far away to get a good picture. (I don't think you want to get too close to a moose)
We traveled through Rocky Mountain National Park along Trail Ridge Road. (It is hard to believe such beauty was right in our "back yard" when we lived there.)

As you can see, there is still ALOT of snow and it was quite cold. Very invigorating!! Chloe doesn't look very happy--she would much rather be basking in the hot sun a little closer to sea level!

Abby was soaking up every minute of everything she was seeing and couldn't believe it was snowing---IN JUNE!!!
Jacob was happy with whatever we did, as long as there was food to eat along the way!

Every time I travel that road, it is always awe inspiring. When I am there, I feel like I am on top of the world and all I have to do is reach to the sky and touch the beginning of heaven.
I highly recommend a trip there if you ever get to Colorado!

We ended our stay in Colorado at David's sister's house. They have a family of snakes living in their yard. Of course, Chloe being the wildlife fanatic that she is, thought it would be great fun to catch one! She looked like an old pro---she was able to catch more than one---"Steve Irwin Style", and stayed very calm in the process!
Me.....not so much! David.....even more, not so much! But, not to be out done by a ten year old, we thought "lets face our fear of these slithery beasts!"
Yes, I do have photos to prove this. I'll share those lovely pictures next time!
It is good to be home!

Friday, June 5, 2009


I was thinking about my garden this morning and how it makes me feel. Everyone has their own personal thoughts on how their own garden makes them feel inside.
Ours doesn't have a specific style, we didn't follow any rules--we just planted things.
Alot of it was out of necessity, because we moved into new construction, so there wasn't any trees, bushes or even grass.
It also is a work in progress. Things, alot of things need to be done or fixed. I want to add a vegetable garden and more of the flowers I love. Plants need to be relocated, beds need to be filled in, the list goes on.
But, every time I step outside my back door and find my favorite patio chair, I smile. I smile because the birds are there chirping away, the water is flowing gently in our fountain and the bees are busy, buzzing their way to each open rose. It is extra glorious when I find a ladybug on a daisy!

I find peace in my garden. MY garden, where the flowers are mismatched and where the trees are planted too close together---but it is my garden, with my roses, my pansies, my daisies, my little piece of Heaven right outside my back door.
I love it because it is mine.

I hope you all find a little peace and tranquility in your own gardens, whether it is large or small, formal or informal. Even a few containers of your favorite flowers is considered a garden in my book. It doesn't matter if you have one rose or twenty, as long as it brings a little smile to your face!

Happy Friday my friends!

PS, We will be leaving Monday to visit our families and the mountains in Colorado. I'll be back on the 16th of June. I'll be posting something new that week!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This spring was the first time Chloe signed up for soccer. She is new to the game and all the rules (Mom and Dad as well), so it has been slow going, but fun.
It has been quite something to watch Chloe in her practices and her games, go from not knowing alot to learning SO much!
So, to top the cake with a little frosting, last Saturday Chloe had an away game and just about a minute before the game ended she SCORED HER FIRST GOAL!!!
It was so exciting to see her shine!
I think she even surprised herself. I knew she could do it!!!

We are so PROUD of you Chloe, for sticking to it, to the end and trying something new!
One more game and then who knows......
Will she try it again in the fall or try something else?
It just doesn't matter, as long as she is happy in what she does!