It has been awhile....
I hope all of you had a beautiful Thanksgiving and are enjoying this glorious time of the year, and remembering to slow down from the hustle and bustle to enjoy the small wonders this season brings.
I am trying really hard not to stress over all the things I think I need to do.
I'm enjoying my family and doing the little things together that matter. Such as, sitting down around the fire with a peppermint ice cream sundae topped with hot fudge, watching Polar Express.
With any luck, they will remember those little things and those little things will turn into BIG memories.
I have worked on a couple projects. I finished my advent calendar, (I will have photos soon) and made new stockings for everyone out of an old quilt with holes I have had for years.
The trees are up, the house is decorated (except for fresh greens--Its been so cold and windy I haven't wanted to go outside).
On the other hand, my shopping is NOT done. I'm sitting hear telling myself I'm not in panic mode......yet!
Now, on to some shop news.
I honestly have to apologize for neglecting my shop. I love my little shop and I love making the things for my shop. I have not been keeping up with everything like I intended. I'm not sure what happened---life with three kids keeps me on my toes--and I love it!
I regret that I don't have any new things for this winter season to add. For that, I am sorry.
I had great intentions and many an idea floating in my head. I guess they will have to float there a little longer and wait until next year.
In the meantime, I am excited to share festive news! It is my little gift to you, for stopping by and visiting me. Thank you, I truly appreciate every single one of you.
So starting Friday, December 10th, I will be having a
30% off! The entire shop! Just in time for a little last minute holiday shopping.
Maybe a petunia for your sister? A Rosie for your daughter? Or perhaps a Posie Pocket full of tiny treats for your Mom? There is a little something for everyone, so come take a peek!
Sale will be ending Friday, December, 17th.